Clinics and Services

Clinics and Services

We provide a range of services and clinics.

All Services

Cervical Screening – Self-Sampling

Our Practice is taking part in the YouScreen HPV Self-Sampling Research Study, further information about the research can be found at

Child Immunisation Clinic

By Booked Appointment

Clinical Pharmacist

Our in-house Clinical Pharmacist offers a wide range of specialist services, including: Medication Reviews Annual health checks relating to long term conditions, such as Diabetes, Asthma, Hypertension & COPD Please…

Clinical Psychology Services

In-house support based on CBT. Please see the GP for referral.

Contraception & Sexual Health

Advice, sexual health screening (eg HIV testing, chlamydia screening) smears, emergency contraception and provision of free condoms. Please see the Nurse for pill checks and Depo injections.

Diabetes / Asthma Care

We offer full care for the majority of our diabetic patients and regular review of all patients with asthma. Please book with the Practice Nurse or the Clinical Pharmacist.

Electronic Prescribing Service

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is an NHS service. It gives you the chance to change how your GP sends your prescription to the place you choose to get your…

GP Extended Hours

i:HUB Appointments   Evening & Weekend Appointments There is access to GP and Nurse appointments in the evenings and at weekends via Islington i:HUB – on weekdays from 6.30pm to 8.00pm and on Saturday &…

Non NHS Services

Private Work Fees The NHS provides free health care for most people. It is important to understand that GPs are […]

Practice Nurse Services

Our Practice Nurses offers a wide range of services, including: Well Person & Lifestyle Advice Diabetic & Asthma Review & Education COPD Review Stop Smoking Advice Cervical Smears/Contraception Travel Vaccinations &…

Specialist Alcohol & Substance Misuse Advisor

We have a Specialist Alcohol Advisor available at the practice.  Please ask at reception for further information.

Stop Smoking

The best thing a smoker can do for their health “Breath” is the stop smoking support service in Islington T:020 3633 2609 Mon-Fri, 9-5 pm Email: Also most pharmacists provide a…

Travel Health

Do you need vaccinations? Our Nurses can provide travel health advice and arrange for appropriate immunisations. Please arrange an appointment […]

Young People

Confidential advice and treatment about contraception and sexual health for young people (under 18) – please ask to see a GP.